A soon-to-be College Grad


During my last high school days I would count down the days until I became an SDSU freshman. Now, as a soon-to-be college grad I feel as if I have nothing to count down to. I'm overwhelmed with so many emotions and so many questions.

Where am I headed? What jobs will I apply to? Should I move away from home or stay in San Diego? As seniors in college we get asked these questions multiple times, and it can get overwhelming. But in the final days of college we should feel overjoyed and filled with happiness. We should use this time to think about all the memories we made in college.

SDSU gave me the best four years of my life. It gave me endless amounts of knowledge, adventures and long-lasting friendships. I am sad to close this chapter of my life but I'm excited for what the future holds for me. For now, I'll use these next 7 days to finish my college bucket list and remember all the wonderful memories I made on this campus.

I am an Aztec for Life.


San Diego State University
San Diego State University

Photos by: Kaitlin at http://www.sparktheheartphotography.com/

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